Hi. I’ve made a modular character (don’t know how to call it, correct me, plz - char consists of a several skeleton meshes sharing one skeleton). Then I placed everything in a BP, where in Construction Script I set Master Pose Component for each part of a char. In the event graph I’ve added a Get Damage event, on which one part of my char get detached and fly away. I do not destroy the detached parts, they just got Detached from Parent and set Simulate Physics. Everything worked ok, until I noticed that the detached parts are still being animated. Watch the video plz for a better understanding - - YouTube . Sorry for lags. Do I have to unset something or apply a null somewhere? Help, please.
link fixed. sorry.
Am I allowed to up my question
Hi netgoblin,
In order to diagnosis this effectively I will need to see how you setup your AnimBlueprint. Please send me a copy of your project in zip form in a private message to me on our : https://.unrealengine.com/index.php
See your inbox! thnx
Hi netgoblin,
I’m only familiar with setting up a modular character using Set Master Pose component, in which case the you could just remove the MasterPoseComponent link when the limb was severed and the limb would not continue to animate. (Are you following a tutorial I can check out or is this your own solution?)
The only other things I can think of to check, is setting each piece to full physics and ensuring you have the weight set to 100%. Also make sure “Fixed is false” for the rigid body and child bones.