Can you explain exactly what code you added/changed? I’m unable to find OnActorEnableCollisionChanged() or SetCollisionEnabled() inside the PrimitiveComponent.cpp file. Please explain exactly how you applied the hotfix you mentioned to help me work through your reproduction steps.
I’ve added the code you posted to a class however I’m not sure what you mean in the second step by adding “an instance of the component to the level.” Could you also explain how the blueprint mentioned in step 6 is setup? Is the blueprint based on Actor or something else? Are you adding the custom destructible class as a component to this blueprint (if so does that mean that the class is marked as Blueprintable)?
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
By “an instance of the component to the level.”, I mean:
Create a blueprint
Add a component of the new type to the blueprint
Add an actor of that blueprint type to the level
Yes, the component class is marked Blueprintable.
The script mentioned in step 6 is added to the level script. Create a new custom event with a name like “RunTest”, and setup that event to toggle the collision on the actor and/or component. Then play in PIE, and use console command “ce RunTest” to run the script you set up.