Destroy different actors with the same collision box

Hi all ! please help… I’m trying to destroy an enemy after another one is destroyed when colliding with a box collision of a blueprint actor. When begin overlap event is triggered …te result I have is that the DestroyActor fires only once and only for the first enemy in my case “Smeagol2”… and for the second one “3Smg” I get a warning that DestroyActor node couldn’t acces it like it doesn’t exist…I know I’m missing something…but I can’t figure it out…Ty

The overlap is only caused on by actor, so only one branch ever gets run.

You need to change it to either destroy anything the overlaps, or when something appropriate overlaps, you need to do a GetAllActorsOfClass to find the others and destroy them…

sorry but that doesn’t work for what I want to achieve…because there are 2 different classes…and getting all actors of class for each of the enemies …is gonna give me the same result…

Finally… I managed to get the result I wanted by making the cast to “the collision actor” inside each “enemy actor”…after that I used “SetActorLocation” instead of destroying the enemy so I can use the location of my “spawn actor” inside the map…then I used “stop active movement” so my enemy stops when It’s teleporting to the new location. Now it’s working and every enemy after colliding the “destroying box”, gets teleported to the new location…like it’s spawning…