Destroy Agents with Trigger device

I am trying to destroy a ball from a ball spawner when the ball activates a Trigger, the problem is I can’t seem to figure out how to destroy it, since its an ?agent, the method Destroy does not exist, and I can’t use the Dispose method since its not a prop either.

if(ValidAgent := Agent?){

Even this is one of the ways I have been trying to make this happen, but I haven’t found anything regarding how to do this.

If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it.

Does this help?

Sorry for the late reply, this solution works, but the reason for my question was that I wanted to destroy the Ball specifically through code by detecting the ball with a Trigger. This was because I wanted the player to destroy the ball when they pressed a certain key, but only if the ball was within a certain Area. I was using a trigger to detect the ball’s entry and another one for the exit, but I guess I could have used a mutator zone for this as well. I still don’t know how to destroy the Ball with verse Lol, but ty for the reply :slight_smile: