Deploy/launch to network PC

So from the device manager it looks like you should be able to deploy to another PC over the network. I can’t seem to get it working though. I enter the device’s ip and name and click add but it always fails to connect. I have tried clicking “Share” on the other PC’s device manager with no changes. Any ideas?

If this just doesn’t work atm does anyone have ideas for how to speed up deploying to multiple PC’s for network testing? Currently zipping it up and sharing over Google Drive. Not ideal.

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it. However, if you are still interested in testing a multiplayer game across computers, the following documentation describes how to do this:

Testing Multiplayer

Multiplayer Shootout


I guess I wasn’t clear. I want to deploy to a remote/networked machine. The device manager has options for adding remote machines but it isn’t clear how to get it working.

Hi Voren,

Thanks for the clarification. I have entered a request for documentation regarding “How to use the Device Manager to Deploy to a Remote Machine.” Reference: UEDOC-3051

Thanks for the feedback,


Thanks that’s great! If further information would be helpful, this is where I see the option in the device manager:

You can see that it says an IP address is acceptable, which makes me think that a remote deploy should be possible but I’ve tried every possible way I can think of that it might work and can’t seem to figure out it’s purpose.

What I’m hoping it does is allows me to have multiple machines setup with unreal installed and have the UE4 device manager open on those machines and be able to deploy directly to those machines. This would make multiplayer play testing a breeze and allow for quick iterations in mp games.
I may just have my head in the clouds though and that might not be the purpose of this feature at all.

Did you ever find a solution to deploying in this fashion? Trying to figure it out here as well. Thanks!

No I still just put a build in a Google drive folder for testing on multiple computers. Never could figure out how to use an IP on that page.

Any updates on this?

we really need this, for testing its just incredibly time consuming having to push builds to shared folders