Demo Third Person iOS package size

Hello everyone, I’m considering switching to UE5 for my mobile game, so I am doing some tests, one of the very first was testing the deploy size for iOS (my main target device).

So I started a new UE5 project from the Third Person template with the following options:

  • Blueprint
  • Target platform: mobile
  • Quality preset: scalable
  • Starter content: no
  • Raytracing: no

After that I configured my certificate and provisioning profile and cooked for shipping.
I executed Platforms/iOS/Package Project and it generated a 625MB IPA file and this is confusing.

I read the documentation and I don’t think I have asset to exclude from the cooking process, etc, the Size Map of the whole project reports 82.5MB.

So I launched the app on my iPhone (Platforms/Quick Launch/My iPhone 14 PRO) and checked the app storage on the device: a scary 774MB.

I’ve read in this topic that the 550MB IPA size resulted a 74MB on the app store, so hopefully my 625MB isn’t real game size.

How it is possible to understand the real iOS size during development?
Are the template First Person and Third Person (the two I tested) bad cases for my tests?

For the others: I managed to ship the IPA, it’s 102.3MB, good enough for me, even if it’s not available as an on-the-air download (<100mb) it’s not a bid deal.