Deleting saved folder does not fix Mirror Issue

I’m referring to the issue being tracked here:

Currently on 4.13.2, was using the HMD Mirror Mode command, now I cannot get a mirror mode screen working when using in the engine or in build. Deleting /saved folder did not solve the problem. I removed all nodes that called the command from project, cleared saved folder, and added this line to my DefaultEngine.ini


and restarted my project.



in the ini was the culprit

Hello jozzle06,

After reading over your post it sounds like you were able to workout (from you last edit) what your issue was. As for as the issue itself, this has already been reported. I have provided a link below for future users with a similar issue to the original thread for the report mentioned above.

Link: VR Mirror Window turned Black - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums

Make it a great day