Deleted ProceduralFoliageVolume leave data traces and causes problems with Foliage (how to delete completely?)


Thanks a lot for your support.

I’ll try to answer your questions (I’m not a professional at UE and do not speak English very well).

I am able to reproduce the issue as follow:
Fortunately I did a clone of the project at the last working point. At this point I have three ProceduralFoliageVolume in the level (two are overlapping, see attachment). And I am able to paint foliage where ever I want.
Than if I delete the volumes, save and restart, I have that rectangle where I’m unable to paint on.

In your example the volumes seems to be there (not deleted).

I started with world partition but disabled it. I’m unable to use it. Using the Focus Selection tool crashes any time, immediately. Could be that I set up it wrong…
According to that I’m unable to un- and reload the actors with it.

If I place a new volume to the landscape and fill it, I’m again able to paint foliage on the before blocked areas. (see attachment)

Btw.: In the mean time I moved all the level about 30’000 units up. Also because of my other unsolved issue with the SkyAtmosphere at zero crossing (Sky Atmosphere not working below zero (world position)?)

Thanks again

Before deleting

After deleting

New Volume