Deleted actors are showing in scene outliner

Hi guys.

I’m having a problem with destroyed actors still showing in the scene outliner after they are destroyed (and the associated actor counts are constantly increasing).

They are stored as:

// the actual 2D grid, in this case stored as a 1D array
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> > LevelGrid;

I’m spawning the actors with:

FVector loc = GetTransform().GetLocation();
loc.X += (float)xpos * GridSpacing;
loc.Y += (float)ypos * GridSpacing;
FActorSpawnParameters params;
params.bNoCollisionFail = true;
params.bNoFail = true;
AActor * pActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(ActorArray[0], &loc, NULL, params);
LevelGrid[GridWidth * ypos + xpos] = pActor;

I’m cleaning them up with:

// clears the grid of any cells (by looping over all cells and if there is a valid AActor *, calling destroy and nulling it out)
void AASimpleGenerator::ClearGrid()
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < (uint32)LevelGrid.Num(); i++)
		if (LevelGrid[i].IsValid())
			AActor * pActor = LevelGrid[i].Get();
			if (pActor != NULL && pActor->IsValidLowLevel())
				pActor->K2_DestroyActor(); // todo: confirm this usage? 
				pActor = NULL;
	// tell the garbage collector to delete stuff we just destroyed (we no longer have a pointer to them theoretically)

What I’m seeing is an expanding number of “Destroyed Actor” values in my scene outliner and an increasing actor count (this is a procedural content generation system and I’m resetting the grid to demo different algorithms).

In the code you show there is a spawn always actorArray[0] is this intended or just a typo?

No its not a typo. The first parameter is the “template” class of the type of actor I’m spawning. So basically I’d increment the index there to spawn different “types” of actor. Or at least thats how its working.

Just as I saw this I noticed there’s a EditorDestroyActor on the UWorld. I wonder if that would help me. Will give that a try in a minute.