Delegate Access Violation in Custom Slate Widget

Im trying to declare a delegate to pass it to a SplitterSlot OnSlorResize()
so i have declared the delegate as follow on the RA_SDetailBlock.h file:

DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(RowOnLeftSlotResize, float)
RowOnLeftSlotResize LeftSlotResize;

and this is the .cpp file :

void RA_SDetailBlock::Construct(const FArguments & args)
	RA_SDetailBlock::RowOnLeftSlotResize::CreateSP(this, &RA_SDetailBlock::OnLeftColumnResized); // ACCESS VIOLATION ERROR DELEGATE
	SAssignNew(verticalBox, SVerticalBox)
	for (auto child : args.Slots) {
		FSlot& nSlot = *new FSlot();

void RA_SDetailBlock::addSlotToBlock(RA_SDetailBlock::FSlot* FSlot)

void RA_SDetailBlock::OnLeftColumnResized(float InNewWidth)
	float t = InNewWidth;

i’m trying to figure out how to use delegates and how they works but i think i may not have fully understood how to properly use or declare them

nevermind i’ve found the error and it was because not all the child widget that i’m adding have a splitter … so i just did this and it worked like a sharm:

if(FSlot->GetCurrSlot()->hasSplitter()) // check if the slot actually has a Splitter