Delay in the MIDDLE of a for loop


I want to execute a for loop with a delay, which isnt apparently possible by default. I know I could make a new macro, but here is a problem: I dont want the delay be at the beginning or ending of the loop body - but in the middle of it.

AS in

For each item in array
//execute some code
Delay 5 seconds
//execute some code

How can I do this?

Blueprints preferred, but if C++ is needed to solve this, I will welcome a C++ solution

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I’m pretty sure you can do that with a macro


But… It will not wait until ‘part 1’ is done before executing the delay, and it will not wait until ‘part 2’ is done before running the next index.

If you want it to wait for everything, then you just have to make a manual loop

I ended up doing just that :slight_smile: Thank you!

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