Default verbocity parameter


I don’t understand why the DefaultVerbosity parameter is needed, if the UE_LOG macro does not have the option of not specifying verbosity and always need 2nd patameter - verbocity level, it feels like there is no need to DefaultVerbosity.

I tried to test different options, and the second parameter of the macro, define_log_category_static, seems to also be responsible for the maximum permissible logging level, but why then is the third needed?

According to my observations, both of these parameters limit the level of verbosity, but the second does this at the program execution stage, and the third at the compilation stage, however, I am not confident in my judgment and would like confirmation from a more experienced person.

Thank you, but I already read this before asking the question here, unfortunately it does not answer the question of why the DefaultVerbosity and CompileTimeVerbosity parameters are needed and how they differ.