In my ever-growing project, TextRenderActors don’t show legible text when I package my game on 4.6 (while it worked on 4.5).
This is a tough one, because I usually test on smaller programs to isolate the problems before submitting them.
So I’ve packaged a C++ Third-Person template (in 32 bits and 64 bits), and the results look normal for such a small project.
The fonts used are the default font for TextRenderActors . In blue is a copy of the default TextRenderActors taken the Third-Person template. In yellow are TextRenderActors components inside actor blueprints.
Nothing is generated from my C++ code, they’re simply blueprint actors dropped into the scene. Memory is not an issue and it’s been tested on different machines with identical results.
Is this due to the “runtime cached” font feature we are now introduced by default and probably used by the TextRenderActors ? Because all my other “offline cached” fonts I use for the GUI, with the AHUD class, are OK.
Any help appreciated.