Default Scalability / quality settings for Packaging / build project

Hi there,
I make a VR application, started from openXR Template with high ends graphics (but this detail have no link to the subject of my post, just for context). To match the target hardware (fixed hardware), I need to pass the scalabilty settings to medium. On editor, no problem, but I don’t find any option to set this scalibility settings by default when I package the project. It’s seems to package and launch at “Epic” quality level, but this is not intended.

I search on Unreal Documentation and forums, don’t found any “no code” solution to do this ! All “solutions” I found is to make some blueprint ! even to customize this scalibity levels: need to modify .ini files ! this this parameter must be defined somewhere, right?

related documentation (but this page is not clear if this modifications is for editor only or packaged project, and don’t specify how to set default scability settings on packaging)

A tutorial I found that barely answer my question:

It seems crazy to me that a parameter so basic in appearance is so complicated to change … especially for an engine that wants to be so “high end” in terms of interface and user experience…

(I’m on Unreal Engine 5.1, but this problem this to be here for long time:
Trouble setting a default scalability quality level)

(I found that scalibility settings customisation feel not clear, not very transparent and not confortable to me on Unreal engine to do good performances optimisations… (global shadow settings tuning, global LOD level settings, global default post processing and effect settings, …) I have past experiences on other engines more clear about this …)

thx for your help …


You can set the overall scalability with a console command

yes, but no solution more “clean” exist ? a “packaging default setting” somewhere ? the “epic” default level is set somewhere, isn’t it ?

It seems odd to me that a basic thing like this sound so much like a “DIY” thing with code or .INI file editing with no in-editor setting.
Especially because these are basic things in multiple other engines I’ve worked with before… (without giving names of course). And I’m really surprised that is so difficult to tweak this parameters on a big engine like unreal are (or customize set what’s behind this “quality levels”, or just understands what’s technically the differences behinds levels, very frustrating for me)

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still not found a “default scalability setting” for my Windows packaging … So I try to add some blueprint to switch the scalabilty level to 1 (Medium) at start on my GameMode begin play, but seems not work for now.


You also need the ‘apply settings’ node… :wink:


oh yes ! little detail, big difference :sweat_smile: hope I will find a less “DIY” solution to change default scalabilty level on my packaging ^^ I don’t found any editor menu for that on Editor, any equivalent like this one on Unity for exemple :

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This is not DIY, it’s standard :slight_smile:

The engine will adjust automatically anyway, I think. No matter what level you choose.

look in the android quality settings
you can discard the epic settings and they won’t compile
scaleability settings are for the editor window performance, not for packaging.

if you are going to pkg for quest vr you need to use mobile and scaleable, or turn off bloom and post process etc.


ok … that’s a little bit strange with the unity experience I have ^^ especially because with default settings I have 25 FPS on my Computer (GTX 1070) and 60FPS with medium scalability settings applied :sweat_smile:25 FPS for VR → :face_vomiting:.

no it’s a Windows packaging, but very nice to know if I have to make a Quest portage ! :slight_smile:

The engine only adjusts in a packaged build.

in your build settings
you can disable the packing of lower quality and epic quality
this will not pack the higher LODS
you can turn off all the others and leave only one setting
like medium or epic.
I make vr with 8k environment maps in stereo
I have to disable/discard the lower qual settings or my panoramic sphere with the bkd will lod into garbage

Sounds good !

I not sure I found the right settings you talking about, can you explicit more the path to access this setting you mentionned ? I would really appreciate this …

thx you and wish you an Happy new year 2023 !

Is there a way to kill the automatic setting of scalability groups by the engine?

I can’t think of a situation where I’d want the engine to override my options menu settings unless I specifically select an “Auto” mode.

The closest I can find is the following in DefaultScalability.ini

; This is the screen percentage for the resolution quality, corresponding to 25% pixels, 50% pixels, 75% pixels, and 100% pixels
PerfIndexValues_ResolutionQuality="80 85 95 120 144"

PerfIndexThresholds_ResolutionQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_ViewDistanceQuality="Min 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_AntiAliasingQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_ShadowQuality="Min 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_GlobalIlluminationQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_ReflectionQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_PostProcessQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_TextureQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_EffectsQuality="Min 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_FoliageQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
PerfIndexThresholds_ShadingQuality="GPU 90 100 120 144"
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I’ve never looked at code, honestly, but I think the engine is always going to adapt when it realizes the hardware can’t cope with the current scalability level.

The best way to do it is to override the GameUserSettings function SetToDefaults()

class UMyGameSettings : public UGameUserSettings
     virtual void SetToDefaults() override;
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