I’m trying o build a simple demo multiplayer game showcasing the features of the plugin I’m working on, I followed this series of tutorial to get a dedicated server:
Tutorial Playfab
I’d like to know if someone with a good knowledge of how dedicated server and PlayFab GSDK work to help me through this :
I have a Server shipping build.exe that I pushed in my playfab build but its status is unhealthy :
To debug locally I tried this :
Microsoft Tutorial Local Debugging
But in the end it just doesn’t log me anything when I launch my server :
Here’s my Game instance if someone can see if anything is wrong with it:
Okay so building the dedicated server on a development build generated me this log file telling me this error :
Heartbeat endpoint and Server id are required configuration values.
The issue might reside in the fact thet I use Playfab GSDK in Unreal engine 5.1 which may have been created for older engine versions
Apparently this error occurs when I don’t locally debug my server using the Local Multiplayer Agent
I’m trying to use this tool and come back with some informations later
Running my server with -log option using the local multiplayer agent on the power shell generates me these two windows :
So from what I understood my server gets an error but the LMA still says that my server is active ??
Following this tutorial worked for me :)) :
The implementation need to be done through c++ and the gsdk NuGet package instead of the gsdk plugin and blueprint
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June 9, 2024, 4:44pm
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