First of all, I wanna appreciate all the help you’ve given so far. I did some more testing and found something that I somehow missed before. I don’t know how I missed this for so long but during session creation, the server outputs this log: LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Cannot create session 'GameSession': session already exists.
This is kinda huge. I’m still kinda mad I missed it for so long. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have a fix for this either. When googling that log, this is essentially the only thing that I can find relating to this log:
This ^ tells you to make sure your project has the correct map selected in project settings → packaging. I have made sure that the map here is correct, as well as in project settings → maps & modes → server level. Despite making sure these are still correct, I continue to get the Cannot create session
log. Interestingly enough, when I added extra logs to my delegates to see what was happening, I would get a failure to create a session with the aforementioned log, then I get a session creation success.
I am sufficiently perplexed. I assume the initial failure is due to some system not having fully started, so it tries again and succeeds. Since my session is actually getting created, why the heck isn’t it responding to Steam properly??
So, as suggested, I dusted off Wireshark and give it a shot. There is definitely a recurring packet on the server’s pc at a timed interval as well as every time I hit the search button. Multicast Listener Report Message v2. I assume this is Steam requesting data be sent to the master server about this server. I don’t see any outbound packets in response though. My first thought would be firewall, but I’ve tried with the firewall turned off and still no luck.