I am putting together a muzzle flash with cascade. The problem is that if I continiously fire my gun, the muzzle flash won’t get activated quick enough. Probably because of some sort of delay between each burst. But I am in need of an instans burst even if the first particles still are alive.
Any ideas on how to get instant particle emission? I am using blueprint to activate the particle system.
Edit: It looks like I can’t emit before all previous particles are dead…
There are a few ways to handle this. For a pistol, or a weapon that you pull the trigger and fire in rappid succession I recommend using a burst emission. (this is below the spawn section)
For a weapon like an automatic machine gun I recommend mixing a burst with a looping emitter. If the weapon fires as long as you hold down the trigger, setup two emitters. 1 that bursts, and another that loops.
Burst will fire at the time you specify in the burst list. Loop = the number of sprites to spawn in a period of time.
My guess is you are spawing and not bursting right now.
I hope that helps you.
Sorry for taking 3 years to say thank you for your answer
But Thank you!