Decorators - Blackboard Based Condition (this is confusing)...

Help me understand this.

I’ve got this simple Behavior Tree set up. When I approach an NPC and press the interact button, it’s suppose to initiate a conversation (which it does). I want to, however, be able to ABORT the conversation at any time by placing a Decorator node at the very top of the tree that checks to see the value of an Int variable I’m setting.

What I do NOT understand here at all, is that EVEN when I change my condition to 0, the tree does NOT fail! I don’t get this!!! The way I’ve got this set up, if my INT variable is equal to 1 the conversation set up in the BT should continue (and it does). HOWEVER, once I press a key to toggle that Blackboard Based Condition (Int variable gets set to 0) it STILL continues! The tree does NOT abort!

WHY?!?! What am I NOT understanding here?!?!

BTW…am I the only one that finds scripting these kinds of encounters easier in an event graph than a BT? I find BT’s have WAY too many moving parts to be practical. I want to like them…I just can’t.

I’m more used to using a “Selector” after the root, instead of a sequence.

But after the sequence is aborted, what should the AI switch too? doesn’t seen like there is another action for it to begin taking.

Ah! Somehow it’s all working now. Not sure what really changed. But it’s all working as intended now.

Hey @VagrantProfile, did you by chance change the “Observer Aborts” drop down to include all lower branches? That was going to be my suggestion :stuck_out_tongue: