Deciding on standard vs forks of UE for VR dev


We are in early stage of the development of a VR game. We are using standard UE5.1. The current end-target in mind is Quest 2. But when we ensure that everything works, we naturally wouldn’t mind targeting other VR platforms since it will generate more revenue.

Recently, I tried Oculus fork of Unreal Engine. The reason for trying it was to enable using simple post-process effects in our game, which could become a rich game feature for us.

What I gained after switching:

  • I was able to make post-process work, and as a result created a cool feature for our game.
  • I felt improvement in performance when tested apk built with the Oculus fork.
  • Also, I learned about other cool features that are enabled by this fork.

Then I took a step-back and thought following:
I am using a game feature(tonemapping) that works only with the oculus fork. What will happen when I decide to target other platforms? I guess it will lead to a lot of manual work. In addition to this, I expect other issues to arise when switching from oculus-fork to standard UE/other fork, e.g. some material that was working on oculus fork is not working properly in standard UE.

It looks like there are two logical approaches:

  1. If you target only and only one vendor (e.g. Meta VR devices), then possibly it is good idea to use only this fork.
  2. If you plan to support various vendors, then best approach is to use standard UE. When development reaches the end phase where we are building executables for end-targets, at this stage we may utilize forks to see if we gain anything in terms of fps for each platform, and do some testing to ensure that using fork doesn’t lead to issues.

Core reason why I am asking is to decide whether to switch to the fork or continue to use standard UE. It looks like if I use standard UE, I will sacrifice quest-specific feature, but will have access to more platforms.

So, I want to ask fellow developers, do you agree with me? Or perhaps there is something that I miss. If you had relevant experience I would be glad to hear about it