Decals with Path Trace Rendering

When I use Path Trace rendering all my decals are noct visible anymore. Is there any setting to consider?

decals are currently not supported on path tracer, so this is 'expected' behaviour.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community about this issue, and it is a current limitation with Path Tracer and we are looking forward to implementing it in the future.

However as a workaround you can manually create a decal with a plane from the primitive library, then create a custom texture and copy the path to the texture in the custom texture. Adjust scale, rotation and proportions as needed.

Screenshot 2022-07-25 110247Screenshot 2022-07-25 110331Screenshot 2022-07-25 110555Screenshot 2022-07-25 110605

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Thanks for your feedback and I am looking forward to the implementation! Your workflow helps but the great thing about decals is that I use it also to easily change the wallcolor without having the problem to leave the boundaries of the geometry.