decals transparent on some materials

I have been trying to get decals to work well with all surfaces, but it looks like that they only work with some, and i cant figure out what might be causing this.

I have a simple level with floor and some props, on the floor, decals go transparent, on the props they work well, but both are static meshes, the only difference here are the materials.

I have tried applying the prop material to the floor, and it fixes the problem, the thing is, what is the difference between these materials? they are pretty much the same, and they give different results? strange

i just realised that there is one difference between these materials… one has vertex paint capabilities.
Decals work fine on materials that dont have vertex paint capabilities.

Any fix for this ?

+1 for this, we also have that problem. It seems like a new bug because this wasn’t happening a few months ago. 99% or all our game meshes have vertex paint capabilities

Hello flashed,

Here is some helpful documentation about deffered decals and how they can be blended, how they function, and the current limitations of these assets. This should clarify your confusion.

Decal Actor User Guide

Thank you,