Decals render on mesh backside..


I know, decal are currently not perfect (translucency, etc).
But what I didnt expect is this:
Decal render on the backside of static meshes. On brushes its ok, but on the backside of meshes, I always get an imprint of the decal.
Never noticed that before… I havent found similar problems on the answer hub, so my question is: Is this a (new) bug, or am I doing something wrong?

A decal on a brush and a mesh (Front)


And the backside with the imprint on the mesh, while the brush is clean:


Any clue is appreciated :slight_smile:


Hi Klaus,

When using decals if your volume that the decal is in is too big and covering both sides of the mesh this will happen. All you need to do is simply shrink the to a little less than the width of the wall to keep it from being displayed on the backside.

Give this a shot and if that doesn’t work out let me know and post a screen shot of your mesh with the decal volume shown.

Thank you!



And once again: Perfect answer from Tim :slight_smile:
It sure works now. Its just a bit of fiddeling work on thin meshes…
(Couldnt you make the decal only affect surfaces which normals are pointing into the same hemisphere as the decal projection vector.
Kind of a backface culling…)
