When I add blood splats to the game via spawn decal in a Blueprint, before 4.11 the scaling worked as intended and I was able to produce nice and big blood splats. After upgrading to 4.11, all blood splats look like thin stripes.
I’m not seeing any difference in my setup from 4.10 to 4.11. I get the same results regardless.
Are you able to reproduce this in a blank project with simple test assets? If so, please attach that project here along with any relevant information and repro steps and I’ll have a look.
The decals seem fine as long as X Y and Z are the same value. Changing Z to something below 0 should only affect their height, but it affects their overall shape, which seems as not intended.
For some reason trying to change XYZ to the same value on a larger texture does nothing and it still shows up as a thin stripe.
I’m still not seeing the same results. I plugged a separate Random Float in Range into each decal MakeVector axis. Different values for each using a Print String to verify.
If you have an example project created using basic assets in 4.10 that when converted shows the issue I can take a look, but right now I’m not seeing the same results though when comparing my setup to 4.10. It’s possible that there is something more specific going on, but without exact repro steps, or a fresh sample created in a blank project it’s hard to narrow down and see if this is a legitimate bug or not.
The is is the new more consistent behavior.
The X axis is the decal projection (see decal actor or decal component)
and it can be scale with (depth, width, height), not (width, height, depth) how it was before. Sorry, but you have to change your content (or add the workaround that was mentioned above).