A simple decal with Material Deferred Decal material domain, Translucent Blend mode and Stain Decal Blend Mode does not render correctly in UE 4.25.1
You can use the content examples, Decal map
Works fine in 4.24
Any workaround?
A simple decal with Material Deferred Decal material domain, Translucent Blend mode and Stain Decal Blend Mode does not render correctly in UE 4.25.1
You can use the content examples, Decal map
Works fine in 4.24
Any workaround?
I would be interested in the resolution of this as it is a pretty basic functionality that is not working.
This bug needs to be logged by Epic please!
I would also like to know if there is a fix for this.
This has been fixed in 4.26!!