Decal with normal doesn't look correctly after rotation

Hey there! I made a decal with only normal map. When this decal rotates around the axis, it seems that the normals ignore this rotation, the shadow rotates along with the decal, although the shading of the faces should change. The light source is at the top. What am I doing wrong ? Maybe I baked the normal incorrectly or do I need to unpack the normals in some special way in the material?

I don’t know much about it, but I know rotating normals in a ‘whole thing’…

I -think- when the normal is in the material, something is done automatically for you to compensate, but when it’s a decal, that may not be the case.

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Make sure the normal map has sRGB unchecked and looks blue in the material editor.

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That’s how it looks in “WorldNormal” mode. So it doesn.t have right direction for some reason. I use Normalmap compression settings, and normal sampler type.