I’m not sure I am doing this decal material right. In the level it shows up as yellow stripes.
You need to rotate the decal actor until X(you’ll also see a blue arrow on that axis) faces up. Also set Decal Blend Mode to Dbuffer Decal.
Depends on what you want the decal to affect. If it is color only pick Translucent Color, if it has normal information as well pick Translucent Color, Normal and so on.
Which Dbuffer would i use?
I changed it to Dbuffer decal but now it just ends up as a black thing.
You need to pick Dbuffer Translucent, Color, Normal so that you can set both color and normal information.
I did this but when i leave the base color alone its the same as last time and when i do use base color it doesn’t have texture. I’m not the best with material nodes though(they are still in the same format)
Normally you’ll do it like this:
But now i’m noticing that you dont need Normal anyway, since you dont have a normal map. So just pick Tranlucent, Color and plug the red channel of your texture to Opacity. Dont mind how it looks in the material editor previewer, you should see it working in the level when you put it on a decl actor.
I did that and in the level no decal shows up, arrow pointing up or down.
I learned how to do it after some youtube videos.