Decal is dark

I am working on a growth system in my game, and I have a very basic decal which I can drop into the map, and it looks perfect.

Basically what I have now, is when the player hits T, it creates a growth, which changes it’s scale over 5 seconds.
The growth is a blueprint, which contains a decal, which has an initial scale of 0.1, and scales up to 1 over the same period of time.

The growth mesh itself (a blob) has almost the same material as the decal, except the fact that the decal has an opacity mask and is a decal.

If I place this decal into the level, it is lit correctly. But inside of the blueprint, it is not lit correctly.

I thought that maybe instead of just having a decal as a child inside of a blueprint, that I could just spawn a decal instead, but that doesn’t solve the issue either :frowning:

Am I missing something here? I am not really too experienced with material creation just yet, so it’s probably that I just am missing something.
Also, is it possible for me to scale the size of the mask inside of the decal over time rather than scaling the actual decal within the growth blueprint?

And here is the material itself:

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Well…the issue is solved.

The problem was that the decal wasn’t projecting towards the surface, it was projecting away from it.

In the blueprint, I have had to reverse the projection direction of the decal.



How did you do the reverse? Can you give me an example please?

We have a BP for decals and we had the same problem, rotating the decal 180 on the Y axis solved it for us, but you may or may not have to flip the green channel in your decal’s normals to compensate for any unwanted protrusion.

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@Kroot89 thanks for the help (rotating the decal 180 on the Y axis solved)

I’ll attach a screenshot in case it helps someone


In case someone else is having this issue in UE5, and your decals are facing the right way…
It may be due to your decal not responding to indirect lighting. This can be because the material of the surface or mesh you are trying to project the decal onto needs to have it’s ambient occlusion settings changed or ticked. It took me hours to figure this out on my own, I hope this helps someone.

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The solution didn’t work for me, but what did was changing the Normal value of my decal’s material so that Z = 1:
