Decal Blend Mode Normal Not Working When Spawned by BP

I’m trying to spawn a decal (with blend mode ‘normal’) below my character’s feet but the lighting is all wrong.

Below you can see the content example M_Decal_Normal placed in the level by hand and a few instances of the exact same material being spawned where my character has just walked by. These should be identical and I can’t figure out why they aren’t. Any thoughts?


Still trying to sort this one out a few days later. It happens on all materials… works fine with ‘regular’ decals but if it’s a normal only, then it doesn’t light correctly when spawned at runtime. If I place the decal in the level, however, it looks fine. Very confused by this.

It took me a minute to solve this but it turns out there was a strange effect happening in the rotation and the black effect shown above is what happens when the decal gets placed upside down in the world. Not sure why the rotation is different for decals from everything else, but it is. Solved!

What is your blueprint code? Could you share it please.

Sure, I’ll put it up tonight.

Yeah, here’s how I solved it. Initially, I was just placing the decal at a set distance below the mesh but decided to go with a socket location for a number of different reasons. Regardless of which method I used for the location, I had to use the Make Rot node to ‘roll’ the decal back right side up.