Decal Actor, UDIM Texture Library? Similar to an Atlas

Hey All,

I’m wishing to store Decal Textures in UDIM Tiles, the idea is for User to cycle through UDIM Library of Decals + Save on Drawcalls. The idea is similar to using a 0-1 UV Texture Atlas but with the freedom of custom texture resolution per UDIM tile + ease of authoring new Decals. Right now, I’m attempting to edit UVs of Actors.

2 roadblocks I’ve hit:

  1. From what I’ve learned, Decal Actor UVs are based on the Geometry they are applied to. I cannot find direct UV manipulation of Decal Actors. Is this true? I’ve printed python unreal.DecalActor methods and found no lead.
    for item in dir(unreal.DecalActor): print (item)

  2. Stepping back and attempting to just change Static Mesh Actor UVs, I can change UDIMs but Actors are not unique and change altogether. (see gif below). So is each Actor dependent of the StaticMeshAsset? Can Actor UVs not be changed independently?

Any help is appreciated,

Recording of using ‘Modeling Tools’ to change UVs: StaticMeshActor UV UDIM Edits are not unique (propagate to rest of actors)