What tools exist that could help me pair down the reasons why an actor or components of an actor are not rendering when all indications obvious to me are?
Something like getting a list of all culled entities would be very helpful (this is not a complex scene). In my case I’m dealing with a river spline in the experimental water plugin where if I run “show splines” I can see the spline line, but the mesh/materials are not visible. Walking through the code I’m not seeing any obvious exclusions but I’m also not familiar with all the possible reasons a mesh might be excluded from the render process. So bottom line is that this is a tools/debug question - what is available to me that could help me figure out the reason something is not visible?
I should also note that I’m looking for tools that would be present while debugging standalone outside of the editor as my issue is only present then.
(I am aware of this: " r.VisualizeOccludedPrimitives 1" and it isn’t putting a box around my mesh like other occluded items - at least not until it really is occluded, then I see a box around the area that is splined) - so perhaps this is not an occlusion question but rather a render pipeline question - or maybe a material/texture issue.
Thanks in advance!