Debug Text from Console Command not showing in executable

Hi All,

I have recently started using 5.5 to run my Virtual Production background on the LED Wall and noticed that for some reason when I type on the switchboard for Stat fps, stat unit, stat gpu, etc, it is not showing me on the screen the debug information requested. However, if I type other console commands that are not debug texts, they work just fine.

Is there a setting somewhere to enable this or is this a bug with 5.5? This is very necessary to optimize scenes for VP Shoots.

Further investigation it is workflow change. You can get them to show with two different methods. In SB settings Disable All Screen Messages. Launch your render nodes now can use stat gpu or stat fps in the SB Console to turn them on and off.

If you have already launched the render nodes and have not done this you can go to the command line of your control Work Station and use the Cvar EnableAllScreenMessages then can use the Console field back in SB to stat fps or stat gpu. If you want to disable all messages after this then on the Control Work Station use the cvar DisbleAllScreenMessages

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