Ok, so I’m trying to debug a running on iPad application with xcode (because of crash on device only). This is what I did:
- I built editor with Win64 Debug Editor. In Packaging settings I set Build Configuration to DebugGame, checked “Full Rebuild” and unchecked “Use Pak File” (anyway, other configurations didn’t work either)
- I ran the UnrealRemoteTool on iMac, which is our build machine.
- Then on PC in editor I ran Launch “All_iOS_on_SKU145” (SKU145 is a computer name).
- Build and deploy went fine. The game is on device and it starts.
Now I can find the xcode project file on iMac in /UE4/Builds/SKU145/C/GameName/Binaries/UE4_FromPC.xcodeproj
I try to run a game using “GameName - iOS” scheme, but right after the start the game breaks at:
Assertion failed: HasFoundDataDirectory [File:/UE4/Builds/SKU145/C/UE4/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Internationalization/Internationalization.cpp] [Line: 260]
ICU data directory was not discovered:
The interesting part is that when I deploy a game using UnrealFrontend using Debug scheme the error is not occurring anymore. But then - project seems not to update after I make any changes in code.
I was trying to build an editor on iMac directly, but I had another problem (with Moga), but this is a material for another topic. But, will I be able to debug game on device when I have a editor on iMac?
Can I receive any guide to how debug running on iDevice application?