So for a while now, I’ve been trying to add a death animation to my player character somewhat reminiscent of :
Unfortunately though, as it currently stands with my present setup, when the player character dies, the game effectively crashes and I end up with a endless amount of the same error continually repeating in the Message Log.
Based on the error messages in the Message Log, the problem appears to stem from something interfering with the camera blueprint for the player character. is rather strange as the problem started to occur I after began implementing the various animation-related components to the death scripting, none of which seemingly involve the camera.
Specifically, the culprit appears to be the Set Collision Response to All Channels nodes, as when I tried deleting them, things returned to normal with the level properly resetting upon completion of the player character’s death animation, although without the player falling through the environment as intended.
I’m not sure why these particular nodes are interfering with the game camera, which is why I need help.
Does anyone have any idea on what’s causing problem and how to fix it?