[Dead] Pro-Grade Complete Dynamic-Weather-Toolkit

Just found and it looks amazing. is exactly what I need for my game. I’m so glad someone is working on it.

That’s exactly what I was going to ask.

is what answered me

and is what he answered to SaviorNT which asked the same

So there you have it :D. Yeah i know it’s hard to wait for such an amazing toolkit but will worth the wait, I’m sure. :slight_smile:

You include surface snow, but no snow particles?

The Snow is part of the weather planes, as is the wind and rain. In fact, some of those particles on the list might disappear too.

I’m trying to avoid placing any particle systems in the world for , it’d be massively inefficient. Particles are great if you know how your levels going to look and where to place them for the most effect, but they’re not a one-size-fits-all kind of job, which is what I’m trying to do with . kit is designed to be as minimalistic as possible, so it takes very little effort for a dev to add to their worlds. That’s not the case if I include a bunch of particles that they then have to hook up to the management system.

I cringe everytime I see somebody trying to emulate rain by attaching a particle system to the player… awful awful effect.

Really can’t wait for . The video looks great!

One question though… When you went underneath the cover the splashes of rain still were on the ground even though you were undercover. Is something we will have to turn off independently for realistic collision, or is something you still need to work on?

Holy ****, is awesome! Hope to see on the marketplace sooner rather than later (would love to use in my thesis project)!


I Want!

Stops what he was doing
lol, glad you pointed that out. If I can make a suggestion though - Go ahead and submit it to the marketplace trello boards so we can vote on it. I can almost guarantee you it will be a month at the absolute minimum and even then you don’t have to release until you’re ready or at all for that matter.

can you give us an update on the project?

Why can’t we buy it now if it’s reasonably functional, on gumroad or something?

is really bugging me on these marketplace posts, where the creator’s finished something cool but we get horror stories of processing taking weeks at a time for simple confirmations on the store side.


Give the guy a break gaaawd, we can wait for a polished asset, no need to rush it if it is important to all of us.

Man looks sweet. Glad I didn’t continue work on my own weather system because I’ll soon be able to buy a great system for some bucks :smiley:
Though I have a question or two…
In demo video, sky was completely static. I suppose you want users to be able to use a separate ToD system?
And, what about sun and clouds?
Rain and snow and thunderstorms look pretty weird if sun is shining and there’re no clouds at all.
What’s your plan for these?

Can’t wait to buy , seriously: + Speedtrees +++ makes arch viz on UE even more appealing.

Great thunder sound at 0:43 :slight_smile:

Looks really good, can you look at Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making as I am coming from Unity and have asset, looking for similar functionality… TY.

Is there an estimated price for it? I want the moment it comes out!!

Is going to have puddles that can form on the ground from rain? Also what is the worst performance hot you can get out of it.

It looks amazing!


Quick update, I’m still working on bits and pieces here and there… (maybe I should change [Coming Soon] to [Coming… at some point])

Had to put most of the heavy work on hold for a bit, Studio is just 100% uber-busy right now. I kind of want to make into a proper ‘Tool’ too, maybe even something that integrates at engine level. We’ll have to see…

As for pricing, I really can’t say, even I don’t know the full scope of yet. Next time I’ll keep quiet until I have more to show :slight_smile:

Looks amazing……