[Dead] Pro-Grade Complete Dynamic-Weather-Toolkit

could fit very well up there alongside landscape and foliage system in the tool bar in the top left side on Editor’s HUD :rolleyes:

Very nice system!
I don’t know if someone mentioned it alreday but it would be cool to have cryengine like water puddle effect in your system.


How far are you from being ready?

Not had to work on it for a while, reaching the end of my Masters while also incorporating so I’m stupid-busy atm. Will post an update as soon as there’s one to be had, unfortunately I started work on right at the most inopportune time…

Dynamic Weather System > 's Degree imho. :rolleyes:

Lmao right

and Yeah I understand bro, just would really really be interested in as I am sure many others are.

I’ve got a couple of other items in the works too, but I’ve learnt not to announce them until they’re at least nearly finished :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Stop posting, and keep coding dammit ;+)


yeah whats wrong with ya!!! lol

, just out of curiosity what are you getting your masters in?

Man i want so bad. Any ETA?

Entrepreneurship (For starting business’, specifically the games industry :))

any updates? Been a month since u last posted :stuck_out_tongue:

Is dead?

With the new particle systems now in 4.8, any possibility of adding in support for ? It looks like it would go a long way for a dynamic weather system

Bro please tell me your still working on

What’s the main difference between your script and the ?

Not dead. Still going, I’m just really busy at the moment like I said. I’m about halfway through a stupidly-long crunch period at work so free time is thin on the ground atm.

Not using any particles for if I can get away with it, depending on what the best implementation is anyway. Also might end up waiting for Plug-in support on Marketplace to make it the smoothest integration possible, but we’ll see about that. Need to redesign a few parts of it. (Next time I’ll make a post when I’m closer to the end ;))

Just glad to see it still going bro. Was hoping wasn’t ended

Hey bro how is coming?