i try to create a game which enable the user to extinguish the fire particle system with a water gun. the gun with sphere projectile and applied with water effect. the question is, how to extinguish the fire once the water hit it? i mean when the water hit the fire particle, the fire is extinguish or fade maybe use delay function. i try event hit and collide and it doesn’t work. sorry for my bad english
I am pretty sure particle components do not have any Collision. So you will probably need to add Collision Shapes, like the Sphere Collision Component. Once your water and fire collision components hit each other or overlap, you can deactivate the Fire Particle Component. For the collision take into account the Collision Profiles, that you assign to your Collision Components.
thanx AllJonasNeeds but i am new to Unreal Engine. how to apply collision into the fire particles? since i have my firstperson BP and it already has sphere collision and i add water effect on it. can you show me the step on how to extinguish the fire when shoot the fire in the video? heheehe sorry too many request
I don’t know what video you are talking about.
But given that you are new to the Engine, I would advise you to go through some more general purpose tutorials first to get a better grip on Unreal’s core concepts and classes. When you have mastered the basics you could come back to your fire/water problem and will probably be able to solve it with ease.
Unreal Engine’s youtube channel has some great content, like the BP 3rd Person game, which covers some collision topics in episode 21, or probably better would be the BP Twin Stick Shooter Tutorial.
Let me also try to also give you some more pointers of a way to implement Water and Fire:
I would create a Fire and a Water Blueprint, which are both based on Actor with a CollisionComponent (either a Box- or SphereCollision) as the RootComponent and a ParticleSystemComponent attached to the root, which uses either a fire or water particle system. I would set the CollisionProfiles of both fire and water CollisionComponents to OverlappAllDynamic.
The Water Actor would also have a ProjectileMovementComponent with a StartingVelocity in X direction, so that it would move when the Water Actor is spawned at the end of the fire hose.
Inside the Fire Actor blueprint, I would add a OnActorBeginOverlap node followed by a branch to check whether the other actor is of the water actor class. So if the Fire starts overlapping a Water actor, you could call DestroyActor for the fire.
thank you for the suggestion bro. sorry for late reply. i try thanks a lot hehe