Hi - I’m moving my Day / Night Cycle from BP to C++. Currently it uses a timeline, but I’ve been wondering whether to change the approach to tick or timer? I even read Fortnite just uses a level sequence which sounds interesting. Anyone got any tips on the best approach to take?
id say a timer since your probably only need to update your time once per second or maybe even less so no need to run on tick
Actually, the shadows look odd if it’s once per second as they will jerk every second rather than smoothly move. That’s why timeline looked nice. Maybe I can interpolate somehow if I use timer?
you can interp the movement over any time, although in that case you may be using tick anyway.
otherwise id say put the timer on the time you want to display in game, so if it increments on the second use seconds, if minutes use minutes etc.
Thanks for the input! Any thoughts on using a level sequence (which I think is the Fortnite approach)? Wouldn’t that still essentially run on a timer?
A level sequence is closely related to a timeline, they have about the same cost and same smoothness.
Do you have pause, time dilation, or reverse time mechanics in the game? In that case I’d go with logic in Tick().
Me personally I’ll take a standard C++ Tick() over anything. Any logic, or changes to logic, can be easily diff-ed in your versioning system without even opening the editor or even Visual Studio.
This advice is factually wrong, and the post contains a link to a totally unrelated web site.
Pretty sure this is an AI-generated post.
I don’t see that reply in this thread. Where did you get it from?
I flagged it and some mod apparently agreed.
Got it, thanks for flagging!