Hi I’m trying to implement a calendar system and increment days in it. I’m struggling with getting it to increment days using the Datetime variable, if I try to add a day using the Datetime + Datetime node it returns only the input into A. I think it can be done by manually splitting the the date time but I’d like to avoid needing to check the month and day for each one and manually tick those over if possible. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Hard to tell without seeing the script but it’s easy to invalidate the date time node as it’s very specific:
None of the above are valid. There is no year 0, month 0 or day 0. There is no 32nd day and there can be no 14th month… #gregorianbros
- this is fine:
- but this is not:
There is no such thing as 60 minutes… ¯_ (ツ)_/¯
Consider the above when adding Date Time. This adds 5 days:
Note the 1s that make this valid.
Also, please world, we’re ready:
The solar calendar divides the year
into 13 months of 28 days each. A type
of perennial calendar, every date is
fixed to the same weekday every year.
Ah that’s great thank you. I think I have left the year and month as 0 which explains why that doesn’t work if it’s trying to add an invalid DateTime.