October 7, 2022, 6:48am
can enter dates and time with the numpad so you’d press a button to enable the date selector
Even though it sounds clear, I can imagine this done in so many ways. Have you considered exploring an Editable Text
widget for entry:
You can then use date time to do pretty much anything you need:
You could use date time with whatever method, actually. You may need to figure out some data formatting first, the above is just a pseudoscript example.
Some infamous gotchas :
Hard to tell without seeing the script but it’s easy to invalidate the date time node as it’s very specific:
None of the above are valid. There is no year 0, month 0 or day 0. There is no 32nd day and there can be no 14th month… #gregorianbros
this is fine:
but this is not:
There is no such thing as 60 minutes… ¯_ (ツ)_/¯
Consider the above when adding Date Time. This adds 5 days: