Datasmith GLTF Importer plugin missing


I am trying to upgrade my 5.1.1 Project to 5.3. However, upon doing so, I get a warning saying - “This project requires ‘DatasmithGLTFImporter’ plugin, which could not be found. Would you like to disable it and continue. If you do, you will no longer be able to open any assets created with it.”

If I ignore the error and continue with the upgrade, all imported data smiths populate, but I am unable to re import or edit and the red line that indicates the file is linked, is not there. I have tried searching for that plugin but with no luck.

Any help would be appreciated!

We deprecated in 5.2 and then removed the plugin.
We did extensive work on updating glTF import features and merging the 3 co-existing plugins into a core one of the engine. The core importer supports more features than Datasmith glTF so it is better to switch to use direct import of the engine.

From now on, import glTF files directly in the content folder:

  • right click import / drag drop in content folder if you just want the assets
  • use the “Import into level” if you want the scene to also be spawned into the level. When you import into level you will get an “InterchangeSceneImportAsse” that will allow you to do some reimport of the scene. You cannot drag/drop it into the level.

glTF import through visual dataprep is out in 5.3 but should be back in 5.4.

Your existing geometries, material and texture assets from 5.1.1 should still work in 5.3, but datasmith features from 5.1.1 assets might not as you noticed.
You might have to reimport some of your glTF in 5.3.


Thank you for the response, I will give it a shot!

Just for clarity, does this mean datasmith has been completely removed for version 5.3 and beyond?

Datasmith to import CAD files is still there and will stay.
glTF through Datasmith is gone for good.


upt to now on v5.11: With the plugin DM-glTF-Importer, we were able to imort gltf/glb on runtime with the Datasmith Runtime.

Since it’s not available on 5.3, is there a possibility to still be able to import these files on runtime? (probably convert to another supported file format)

You can still load gltf/glb at runtime but you have to use Interchange now.
Go for the import scene function

Thank you very much, I’ll give it a try.