I have been using Blender for 0ver 15 years, professionally for arch viz. I have done several projects with UE4 and Blender. Datasmith and Twinmotion would be a huge upside to me as some clients are starting to request real-time applications to their projects. Please seriously consider providing your amazing tools to get us better connected into UE5.
Hello, as a person who worked nearly 20 years with 3ds max and switched to blender and UE, It is really essential for me to be able to model and give some basic materials in blender and sync between the UE and blender with datasmith to have a good presentation for archviz.
I’d be very happy if u do it for blender because the updates and progresses in both UE and Blender are very good and they are free to use and experiment.
it’ll be a giant leap for unreal in my field! so many users will switch to it guaranteed!
Dear Unreal Team, as you can see there are many users waiting for this tool. I also read on the comments that many users of different software switched to Blender, not because Blender is better, but it offers powerful tools for creation. Blender is nowadays integrated in studio pipelines and i think it is time to support it. So please go on and give it a try, i know many users out there will thank you.
Hello Unreal Team. Can you let me know if there is any development? I want to add a note. The number of people using Sketchup and exporting to UE is less than the number of people using Blender and exporting to UE. (This is not research. Just guessing.) But while there is a datasmith plugin for Sketchup, there is not for Blender. This rightfully indicates that it should be the Datasmith plugin for Blender. We want you to know that we expect feedback from you. Kind regards.
I use gltf exporter and import in unreal. Works nice and you get instances but you do need to export first. It’s a bit annoying compared to rhino where I can just save the file and import/reimport straight to unreal.
Just removing that single step of exporting makes the workflow much cleaner.
The number of users using blender is increasing, and the lack of data smith for blender is against the trend of the times. It’s shocking that there’s no function that I thought there would be a lot of users
I opened this post on November 21, 2021. Since then, I see that many users have the same request as me. But it’s sad to see that the UE team hasn’t been involved since then.
We just converted a 3DS Max model to Datasmith using the official plug-in and were very surprised that even two different methods of decal application via V-ray materials transferred over and we discovered that it had even created new textures from our composite ones (and only in one case did we have to switch the texture from “wrap” to “clamp” manually).
So yeah, this should happen for Blender too (but I guess not enough high profile corporations have asked about this yet).
Worked for ages with Max and 12 years with Unity on commercial archviz projects.
Switching to Blender and Unreal now (“Hello”!).
One of the first things I googled for is Blender + Datasmith…
By the way, also no datasmith direct link to 3dsmax???
Epic team please, give us Datasmith for Blender or at least let datasmith import FBX files. Datasmith’s ability to import all the objects positioned together as a scene with hierarchy and materials, simultaneously creating lightmap UV is the main feature we all need (architecture and industry guys). I can’t state enough how important it is to not be forced to use the game developing workflow (asset by asset, hand placed in the scene) which is totally unusable for industry / architecture work with scenes/hierarchies of hundreds / thousands of objects. I guess you guys being mainly game developers might not understand the importance of this workflow.
For now I’m using the unofficial version of datasmith and it really works fine!
they may have some inside contracts to promote paying companies and can’t release the official version for blender.