Datasmith Feature Requests

It’s in 4.21 preview at the moment. A great deal of docs is underway as well.

Nice, i can’t wait to test it.
I’m also interested in how we can read video from storage for a buisness app to show 3D and video in the same vr space.
Unreal studio have the same limitation for the “movie” folder on mobile app and we can’t put more than a video in the 2GB limits.
I don’t know if is a permission reason or player limitation but we didn’t find any solution for this problems yet.

@Tredigraph you should be able to stream a video from a URL if you use the Stream Media Source.

Maybe that would be a way get around your space limitations?

Yes, i know the Stream media source workflow, but i need an offline system for fast and reliable solutions.
I can’t stream from url 360° videos without a proper connection (that in some case i might not have) and i have multiple video for each clients factory (so many GB of files).
Loading video from the phone storage is the only pratical solution i need to use right now.

Same problem for me. I was thinking about setup a local web server on phone to adress the “url” function, but maybe it’s an overkill solution for such a simple problem…
Any android player can read from storage, i guess unreal won’t allow that for security reason, but with the studio version i wish for a more “flexible” control over such matters.

@Prince_By-Tor if there’s a solution to this problem i’ll be very interested in testing it. Thanks.

@pf_breton Your response about the new pixel streaming system was to a question regarding multi-player virtual reality spaces. Are you saying the pixel streaming solution is suitable for remotely rendered VR? I could see for a phone based touch app, but the latency seems a major hurdle for VR. Is there some awesome client side re-projection tech in the works?

Currently, the pixel-streaming won’t support VR. Mainly because there are the latency and bandwidth issues around that. It generally wouldn’t be a good experience except in special wired situations. Desktop is the first focus.

Hi thank you for all the great work, its definitely much easier to import scenes into UE4 now. I work with extremely heavy scenes so the Datasmith importer is definitely very helpful and saves tremendous amounts of time.

Here is a quick suggestion that would also help:

When importing Datasmith files in the material section (just like when importing an FBX file) it would be great to have a choice whether to import the materials or search for existing ones in the project. This would be great especially because of some limitations in the material conversion from 3dsMax to UE4, this would remove the hassle of always reassigning or replacing material references every time we import the models when we have a material library already made in UE4.

Obviously it would be great to have skeletal meshes/ animation support as well but I’m sure that’s something that has been brought up already.

Thank you.

Since there’s a new feature which can automatically detect small holes and eliminate them, I wonder if you can also add pipe detection and eliminate the inside surfaces (wall thickness)?

This is just a small selection of everything I have to manually delete the insides of, due to z-fighting and just wasted polygons in general:

Regarding the above though, we still find it easier to import CAD data straight into 3DS , because it feels as if there are more settings there and the preview is more immediate and easier to re-do.

However, can’t remove holes, so that’s a point in favor of trying to go for a Datasmith <-> <-> Datasmith workflow, instead of our current -> Datasmith workflow… then again, unsure regarding how materials translate back to from Datasmith (everything I’ve read so far seems focused on converting Vray materials to Datasmith).

3ds had a bit of a head start over us, but if you keep giving us feedback and filing bug reports, I think you’ll find us catching up quite quickly.

I’ll put this here as well then:

It would be nice if the product viewer tool had a measurment device, like a virtual measuring tape.

(But also in the editor, so one can double check that all imports are correct according to CAD, or if you had to manually place something.)

Thanks for the feedback. The Unreal Editor does offer a default solution while in any Orthographic view (not in “Perspective”) by clicking and dragging the middle-mouse button. It will display measurements in increments based on your current Grid settings.

Option to produce a .udatasmithbundle file that doesn’t leave the _Asset folder uncompressed in the same folder you created the .udatasmith file in.

I don’t see why I would ever want duplicates of my source textures cluttering our network share.

Can you put the grab functionality from the VR template into the multi-user one? Also a build in selection and chat system to specific client Pawn would be a great features.

Feature Request: Add Vertex Coloring support, as set by the VertexPaint modifier. This one is really important as it’s not a convenience feature but a make or break kind of deal.

OSL shader support / conversion would be great as well.

Imagine if the Merge Actors tool knew which actors it merged, and would update when the source actors changed (ie, when you re-import a datasmith assy).

Imagine if the Merge Actor result could contain a list of objects it had merged, so if you forget one object, you can open it up again and add it to the merge, without having to re-do everything.

Imagine if you were able to select a pivot point for the Merge Actor tool to use.

That would make the tool way, way more useful in conjunction with Datasmith.

Either that, or you put some of the Merge Actors functionality into the magic special object that is the “datasmith scene” object.

Feature Request: Unreal studio datasmith add importing CAD file format -** JT PLMXML (.plmxml) **- An open XML-based file format, specified by Siemens PLM Software. A PLMXML-structure could link to the model data in another file (an External Representation), or the data can be embedded within the Representation element in the XML file (an InternalRepresentation).

REQUEST: Please let us CHANGE LANDSCAPE (Height, build new, kill landscape, edit foliage, flatten either the whole thing, or just a section etc etc) at RUN TIME. also, if nothing else, allow us to import landscape heightmaps, then apply it to said landscape at runtime.

I’ve been considering for the past few days on killing my project and restarting it on Unity because from what I can gather, it allows at runtime-terrain editing. I’m not entirely sure what i’m going to do. There are a lot of want to be city builder projects, but they all get stomped by this not being allowed in blueprints, and being SO unreasonably difficult in C++ that it’s inaccessible to higher (bp, language) level programmers.