Database for multyplayer game

Hello everybody, few days maybe weeks i try to find optymal way to save players information, their invbentory, and other game information.
i want to use some DB but don’t know wich way do it more correct.
Maybe you can give me some advice some solutions for blueprint project

You’ll need the HTTP and JSON modules which are C++. You will need to add these dependencies to your build.cs file.

From here you’ll need to create an RESTful API. For development and testing you can use PHP, ASP, Ruby, ColdFusion or any other web programming language.

You’ll need to secure your API so that “requests” only from valid servers will be processed.

Once you have your API queries you can then get back into UE and setup your Authentication and Request logic.

Requests should be called from the Game Mode.


thanks a lot!! i’ts realy helpfull for me