I’m not sure why when I upload my data table (.csv) all the apostrophe are changed for question marks.
Any suggestion?
I’m not sure why when I upload my data table (.csv) all the apostrophe are changed for question marks.
Any suggestion?
this → ’
Are you using one of those?
( ’ or ’ )
Try the other one, who knows?! I’ve never had problems with those but I’m not sure which one I used.
Well, the other one works, any idea why it might be?
Because the text has to be written by some people with who I don’t have much contact and it might be hard to tell everyone to write with a specific apostrophe. Do you have any suggestion for a walk around?
Many thanks
It helped a lot, thanks for pointing out there are two apostrophes and I discovered that Microsoft Word does the “bad” one and everywhere else the same button does the good one, even in excel.
And yes I just did the mass replacement, it’s just those kinds of extra things that make you really annoyed, but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.
Again thanks
From UE4’s point of view, there’s most likely very little you can do apart from requesting an additional feature from the Devs - somehow I feel they’ll consider it a low priority, though.
You can do mass Find & Replace in any text processor. In Word / Excel it’s Ctrl+h. Find all apostrophes and replace them with the one that does not break the entire DataTable…
It’s a disappointing oversight from Epic’s side.
Hope it helps.
I do, UE4 is a fantastically comprehensive set of tools but not without some bothersome quirks.
Btw, which apostrophe you’re getting may depend on which language is currently selected. While I’m getting 3 identical results here, while I type in the Chrome browser, I’m also getting different results for the 3 languages I’ve got installed in when typing in Word… Perhaps Office just tries to be extra clever.
Good luck with the project!
Well, I don’t know if you are interested or not, but if you follow these steps link it starts to use the straight apostrophe.
And there we go, I learnt something today! Thanks.