Data structures for actors

I want to have many complex objects of the same type in a level. They don’t need to exist at the same time and they are visited in a strict pre-defined order but can be revisited if traversing the level in the opposite direction. Only a single one is “active” at a time. I want to be able to position them in the editor and tweak their properties when I place them. Examples would be cameras, trigger volumes.

What would be the best way to do this in UE5?

I don’t want to create them all at the start of a level if only a single one is active at once. At the very least I don’t want them to tick. Ideally I would have a data structure of the properties and then a single instance of the actual object which takes on the properties of whichever element it needs to. Keeping track of an index in an array or a pointer in a linked list would allow me to traverse and switch the data as needed.

But how can I get the data of things I place in the editor? Is there a common approach to this problem?

To keep data structure for properties look into Data Assets (there are C++ ones and blueprint only).
You can also create blueprintable component, then drop those on actors in level, a bit of platter code to hook with actor. And i am not sure if blueprintable component can have other components like trigger volumes.

If blueprintable component does not work you can try blueprint class inheritance. Make parent/base class that has all code, then do child classes that have just gameplay visuals.

Anyway parent class (or blueprintable components) should:

  • hook to dispatcher in place like game instance, game mode etc.
  • set own ID (integer they read from game mode, increase, remember and update in game mode)
  • gameplay tag, that defines type of of this actor instance.
  • based on gameplay tag it can read Data Asset that holds all settings
  • and finally you set settings manually, give actor New gameplay tag, and have script (event) that can be triggered from editor and save all settings to new data asset.
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