Darker Nodes - Modern theme for the Unreal Editor

Ok, I just fixed it, it will be available for the next update of Darker Nodes!

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Hey, I recently bought this, and I’m currently using it with UE v5.1.

I can’t see any setting for “Comment” Colours. The plugin is effecting my default comment colours, specifically making them black, and I can’t see anyway to change the behaviour of this. I am specifically looking for an option to deactivate this as I am trying to use this plugin alongside “Auto Size Comments” plugin in my other project.

I also have other issues, preferences are acting weird for me and not as expected. For example, any setting will change the colour of the Editor, such as “Disable Blueprint Grid” this changes the colour each time it is toggled on and off. Theme Luminosity and Saturation also have issues too as I moved the slider to check the effect and was left with either a total black or white screen, I had to force quit in Task Manager.

I assume these things are things caused by 5.0. Do you have an estimate time on the fix for these, as I currently cannot use the Plugin in the current form?

Hello and sorry for this. As you can see just above, another user came across that bug, and it’s already fixed. But I need the marketplace to validate the new version, and as they’re super slow for now, I don’t know when the update will be available…

Do you want the set a specific color for comments? Or disable comments colors altogether? I can add this in the next version of Darker Nodes!

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Just added the new feature, it will be available on next update!



Just started to use darker nodes with electric nodes altogether.
I’ve managed to set the style to fit my needs, but still have some questions.

  1. Is there any way to change the background color of the editor to make it a little bit brighter?
    Here is the screenshot of default editor (left) and the one with darker nodes activated(right)

  2. I found some troubles with setting up the colors of the selected assets, checkmarks and the selected blueprint outlines:

I got purple color when asset is hovered (as well as checkmarks), and on screenshots i could see them being grey at least. Is there any way to customize these colors?

And i got my selected blueprint outline blue and thin, is there a possibility to change it?

Thank you very much for these awesome plugins, love them very much. Significant work!!!

Found the way to change the colors of selected and hovered assets - via the theme duplication and further edit in General-Appearance.

But the selected node outline is still under the question.