There are a black samples between floors in the mesh separating them.
I tried with BSP’s, meshes and now two planes as a separator between floors. Every time the same thing happens. Even with different lighting methods.
Is there a way to fix it?
Lightmass Importance Volume is covering whole scene (it’s a little bigger than actual scene).
Two things to address here. First, there’s a possibility the Static Level Scale is not doing well with the Indirect Quality value. Try adjusting Level Scale to 0.5 and Indirect Quality to 2. Second, the Volumetric Lightmap Detail Cell Size is somewhat low at 30, meaning it’s a denser grid of cells. Each cell is comprised of 8 samples (8 corners of a cube or of the cell), so a Detail Cell Size of 30 is ok in terms of getting more detailed sampling / lighting data around geometry, but the Maximum Brick Memory Size is probably too low at 30 MB, most likely causing cells / samples to get culled. That’d reduce accuracy, precision, detail, resolution, etc. I suggest either increasing Max Memory Size to 60 MB or higher, and try not going over 100. Or increase Detail Cell Size to between 50 and 100. Adjusting both could be effective too. The denser the grid of cells / samples, the more brick memory needed to get a complete volumetric lightmap that doesn’t cull necessary samples.
One more suggestion is to put the Lightmass Importance Volume around the building rather than the entire scene / level. You can add more than one L.I.V. to a whole scene, so if you build more in the scene, then you don’t have to expand the one you placed already.