Dark landscape tiles

I need help with maybe my shadows? or lighting?
i use dynamic lighting, lumen, virtual shadow maps.
some landscape tiles just get very dark, also some of my materials got very dark, the materials become normal looking if i remove the normal-map from them, but landscape layers wont.
I have 6 landscape layers, and one of them makes the tiles normal-looking, if i paint it on them, even a little bit, just looking for “real problem”, because some of my materials have the same problem, is there some way to troubleshoot / find whats the cause, or will i start to remove normal maps, and paint my landscape all over

I have rebuilt everything, my landscape has no HLODs, i have removed everything and built lighting again and again from scratch.

still dont understand what could cause it…
when i move the “sun” the black tiles become light, lighter than others. when i move it somewhere else, they come black. theres a point where they are near-same-color, but since i have day/night cycle, fixed sun is not an option…
dont really know where to / how to troubleshoot, i´ve tried removing lighting, making it again, ticking shadows off from different stuff, but nothing makes them normal…
nearly all the textures are still dark too, so my meshes are pretty much black. part of them become normal (lighting works on them) if i disable the UV maps, but they look like ■■■■.

Heres picture with directional light disabled, with only skylight

now i got the color to get normal everywhere i take the Normal maps off. if i add Normal map, it gets black on the same tiles as before. Normal map only works on the tiles that go black, others stay smooth.

here i have photo with one of my buildings. i´ve taken the Normals off from the asphalt and roof texture for design purposes. how in the ■■■■ can i fix this, and return my Normal maps to everything??? idk if i should start smoothing the game mechanics, but as the map looks like ■■■■ and can not be fixed, maybe no.

I sympathize, I have the same problem on almost all my objects which have a normal map…

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hmm its in every map, so its not map problem, or texture problem. still trying to find the problem.

if someone is finding this from google, and running to same problem: i couldnt find a solution, i even made new project, exported all settings etc to my old project, nothing helps. something must be corrupted or smthing. i made a new project, copied my plugins and content folders there, so just settings and massAI lanes needs to be remade. the new project works normally.