I am getting these strange artifacts when i am using the open world demo rocks.
(cant seem to be able to upload the pictures)
Does anyone know what it might come from?
Best regards
I am getting these strange artifacts when i am using the open world demo rocks.
(cant seem to be able to upload the pictures)
Does anyone know what it might come from?
Best regards
It’s usually caused by Lightmaps.
All of the Open World demo stuff is designed to work with Dynamic GI, not Static Lightmaps. With that in mind, they haven’t been set-up to use Static lighting so you’ll have to do some tweaking. Start by making the lightmap resolution larger and ensuring there are no overlapping UV’s.
I’ll remove all the static light options then. (Wish there were a global switch)
Enable Force No Precomputed Lighting in World Settings, set the light source to movable, build the lighting and that’s it.