Dark areas near lights when camera move away

I’ve encountered a problem with dark areas appearing on mesh when camera move away from it. It’s something with the camera, not the lights or the object, but I can’t fix it.
PostProcessVolume doesn’t make any difference.

No one can help me? Pleeease :frowning:

Ok, solved. Floor and spotlights’ meshes were casting shadows on those cubes.

For what it is worth this is typically the result you get when you have a light whose source redius is intersecting with geometry. Moving the lights away from the geometry will usually solve it.

Those lights’ sources were 0 but I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.
It’s weird btw because light is away from the floor and pointing away from it (upside), so I don’t understand how the floor could cast shadows on that cube. Also that black spot was invisible when camera was close and gradually appears when camera moves away (in editor and in rendering).